Monday, August 1, 2016

The Digital Age

It's so crazy to think that in my lifetime we have gone from internet really being a novelty to it now being an integral part or my day-to-day life.

My earliest memories of learning how to do book reports and projects always started with picking a topic and sitting down to look through an encyclopedia, combing through the many pages of the many books to figure out academic information to present. When I started middle school it became a big deal that the school had received a grant to put internet all throughout the building and also purchased new Apple computers in the classrooms and fully upgraded the computer lab.

Between the fifth and eight grade the computer and internet became my norm, at home and at school. At school we became more immersed in the interactive world playing Oregon Trail, learning to type proficiently and how to search the internet. As I grew older and more mature, so did the internet, becoming this bigger and better entity. By high school I couldn't imagine a world without cell phone, computer to check my new AOL email address and my leisure walk to the virtue game life with the SIMS. even my research evolved as I slowly stopped using the print encyclopedias and moved on the the also static but digital CD-Rom version.

Looking back at my evolution through the internet, I realized the big difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, the strides which have been a made and the growth possibilities of a digital age.

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