Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Are You Social or Not...

This past week in my Intro to Digital Communications class everyone presented a snapshot of social media platforms and it really got me thinking about just how much of our lives revolve around the idea of being "social" in the digital realm, so much so that it has become the norm to even obtain an advanced educational degree without stepping foot in a traditional classroom.

As I prepared for my presentation I initially selected Blackplanet because I was interested to do some research and find out how far it had come since it's first inception and popularity in the early 2000's. But after looking at Solis' Conversation Prism I became even more intrigued by TED, which was listed under the adapting video section.

 Now I'll be honest I'm obsessed with TED Talks, especially anything about feminism, women's empowerment, women in business, entertainment or African American issues including social justices, but how was it a social media platform? So I did my research and wow was I amazed to learn that from it''s humble beginnings as a conference for thought makers to this international platform for social innovation and the dissemination of ideas and discussions, I came to see that TED, was indeed a social media platform, utilizing other platforms to disseminated it's message along the way.

How Genius!!!

Here are two of my favorite TED Talks:

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