Wednesday, December 7, 2011

When Did You First Fall in Love with Hip-Hop?

It's not often that I'm inclined to immediately write about something I've experienced but this night was totally different. Today in the mist of another -let's just call it- "work" shindig full of phoney double sided air kisses and "hey hunns" because you forgot or didn't care enough to remember someones name I remember what drove me into this industry... As I stood there feet aching and weave tangling Doug E. Fresh took to the stage with Hip-Hop's elite afficianado's (I mean the guys who were doing this before spitting on a track and demanding 45g's was event thought of) reminding why, when & how I fell in love with this immense cultural phenomenon. As he so easily let loose those beats from his throat out his lips and Grandmaster Caz spitting with the help of others as Big Daddy Kane threw all types of old lady catching sexy out with his voice and DJ Chuck Chillout supported on the 1's & 2's... I remebered! This is what I always wanted to be around; true music. The music that makes you feel so good you dance, regardless if you have rythme and sing so loud that you can barely hear the performer himself. This was truely it! I had come into this industry in search of being around and rediscovering true music (i.e. Cindafella, The Bridge is Over or Roxanne's Revenge). Meeting a woman who was able to make the industry work for her in Roxanne Shante, discussing the industry as she looked at an old photo with 80's braid laced with a name plate barette is priceless.

The things you learn... Life always take you places to give youa little reminder and today was mine! It was like the lyrics of Common's "I Used to Love H.E.R." were blasting in my ear because at that point I realized I loved Hip Hop like no relationship because I knew in our relationship it wold never leave me... Cd, vinyl, cassette tape I'd always have it & it would always have me... HIP-HOP Thank you!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Judicial System-- A beacon of justice or soapbox for personal standpoints

At first I was very hesitant to even blog about the issue that my good friend has been going through but after sitting in the courtroom and experiencing the apparent unjust set forth by the West Virginia Judicial system I felt the need to express my feelings.

Ever since I was little I always believed that the courts were fair -- took murders and rapist off the streets all while giving a fair and speedy trials. (I grew up in a rough neighborhood, so I seen and heard a lot of people having to go in and out of the courts and lockup.) But not until these past two years have I ever seen such abuse and outside factors affect how the law is interpreted. Because of what was going on I had become more interested in the judicial system, sentencing and life behind bars via research into similar cases or hours/days filled with C-Span or "Lockup" the television series. I just had to know as much a possible; I didn't want my friend in this alone. I guess you can say I became a bit obsessed-- I realized this when a librarian asked me if I was studying for law school because she had seen me looking up so many law text books and case studies. From all my research one thing became obvious that judges take into consideration a persons whole character in deciding their fate, including past actions and lifestyle. Only in the most severe of cases had I seen a first time offender receive the maximum sentence, yet on April 20 I heard a judge sentence my friend to the maximum sentence available, plus extreme amounts of restitution and cart her off to jail without even the ability to say goodbye to her family and friends.

Did the judge had her own personal vendetta? Was justice really served? Had she even taken into consideration the events that lead up to the accident? Was this trial really speedy and just?

I don't believe so! Not once will I ever excuse what happened the night in question; but I will say for every action there is a reaction and the events leading up had some part to play in what happened whether good or bad.

Ranked among the worst in the country I now am a firm believer that West Virginia's Judicial system is still in the past-- somewhat unable to see past lines we all believed were gone including race, orientation, origin and family lineage.

Signing out...

Brooklyn Girl**

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LBD101- To Get IT or Not

After having some insightful (yet funny) conversations with a few friends and family, I have come to understand that not everyone is meant to be Stylish, Trendy or Fashionable. For me, I developed a style that I creatively made work for me ever since I began clubbing in NYC some years ago--way before many of my friends. If you ask anyone who knows me, my “getting dressed up” attire consists of four key items:
o LBD (Little Black Dress)

o Killer HIGH Heels

o Statement Jewelry (Usually Pearls)

o Clutch

Sounds simple right? Wrong! No matter where I travel or what type of club I visit there is always one or two women who just totally get the LBD look wrong. Seriously ladies? Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up over the years that helped me below!

Common misconceptions of wearing the LBD:

• Black makes you look skinny-- NO it's just a bad myth; truth is we're not all Sessilee Lopez' so my quick fix tip is SPANX

• Every LBD is the same-- NO All dresses are made differently and not meant for every body shape

• Black on Black always looks GREAT-- NO sometimes there are different shades of black and in pictures or to a keen fashion eye it looks off. If all Black is a must keep it loose and if possible try breaking it up with jewelry (silver, gold, wood or pearls).

Fashion is about experimentation and research. See what's in style this season, try new things, try old things; mix high end and inexpensive... Most importantly be comfortable in what you’re wearing! A great outfit can make even the worst day a little bit better!

Check out a few of my favorite LBD ensembles!

Happy Dressings,

x0Xo Brooklyn Girl

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ice Cream Man

Growing up everyone loves the Ice Cream Man. The first sound of that classic jingle sparks off the thought of summer days and the greatest fun of the year. A feeling that seems to never fade as one grows older even if masked deep inside. No matter what you do that catchy jingle and the thought of the greatest childhood feeling—sitting on the curb or stoop accompanied by your best friends and the greatest ice cream cone extra sprinkles with no care in the world.

Funny to compare the two but the same is true for that one individual as you get older, that no matter how long they’ve been gone out of your life or how much you try to push the mere memory of them away they always seem to enable a warm sensitive feeling within that only they can erupt. Our own personal Ice Cream Man (Woman) to be quiet frank. A love that has passed and piece of you that will always remain with another-- every person has this whether it be a teacher or childhood crush to ones first love or first sexual partner or relationship with great memories; there’s an Ice Cream Man that just reminds you of sweet days past.

Everyone’s Ice Cream experience was different and the results of the relationship are just as much of a mystery for each of us. Who knows if we’ll ever grow out of this fascination becoming lactose intolerant or being able to continue to enjoy the sweet treats forever?

So Ice Cream Men… Good or Bad? You make the choice but be appreciative of them no matter what because at one point it was the sweetest moment even if just for a split second.
xoxo Brooklyn Girl

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finding my Inner HAPPY

Over these past few years I have began to come into myslf and find who I truely am. Along the way I have realized some thing worked and others don't-- how personal growth can effect all aspects of life including career and love. With the growth of my inner sexy I have become more confident and more sure of the person I want to become...

Here are a few tips that I found worked on my personal journey:
Faith- Finding belief in a higher being whether it be GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, JAH, BUDDAH or any other entity commonly or uncommonly found to give spiritual guidance.
Family- Family is not always defined by bloodline but that of the relationship between you and individuals. The development of love, trust and happiness.
Friends- Having amazing people in your corner to help you through difficulty, tell you when your wrong, hold you when you cry and laugh when you fall while helping you up.

I truly encourage everyone to find your inner HAPPY! It's an amazing feeling to be genuinely happy! Don't forget I'm not an expert just someone on this amazing journey of life finding out how great life can be!

xoxo Brooklyn Girl

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years 2011 DMV Style

This was the first time I had ever spent a holiday away from my tight knit family but I can't say that I may be the last! Everyone says that their friends are amazing and they wouldn't have it any other wayl so I guess I'll stick to that saying and let it ride. Over this past few years I have lost friends gained friends and re-evaluated freindships from the ground up. I was always told that some of your greatest friends come from your college years and I am now a believer.

Ringing in the year 2011 with two of my amazing best friends Caramel, VanillaBean and Menzana along with Brother-from-another BEAR & his teammates from the Washington Redskins and crew was one of the best experiences of my life! Check out some of the pics from the weekend.

Brooklyn Girl 2011

Happy NEW YEAR!!!! Today I decided to take charge once again on this journey we call life. Not in the sense that I had ever lost myself but in the sense that I am going to do things my way to make sure I am the happiest me I could ever be! I've allowed many outside influences and people in who have not been for the better but it's time to purge of them and move forward. It's great to have great friends, amazing family and faith in the Lord nothing in this world is impossible! Take Charge and LIVE LARGE!