Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finding my Inner HAPPY

Over these past few years I have began to come into myslf and find who I truely am. Along the way I have realized some thing worked and others don't-- how personal growth can effect all aspects of life including career and love. With the growth of my inner sexy I have become more confident and more sure of the person I want to become...

Here are a few tips that I found worked on my personal journey:
Faith- Finding belief in a higher being whether it be GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, JAH, BUDDAH or any other entity commonly or uncommonly found to give spiritual guidance.
Family- Family is not always defined by bloodline but that of the relationship between you and individuals. The development of love, trust and happiness.
Friends- Having amazing people in your corner to help you through difficulty, tell you when your wrong, hold you when you cry and laugh when you fall while helping you up.

I truly encourage everyone to find your inner HAPPY! It's an amazing feeling to be genuinely happy! Don't forget I'm not an expert just someone on this amazing journey of life finding out how great life can be!

xoxo Brooklyn Girl

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