Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LBD101- To Get IT or Not

After having some insightful (yet funny) conversations with a few friends and family, I have come to understand that not everyone is meant to be Stylish, Trendy or Fashionable. For me, I developed a style that I creatively made work for me ever since I began clubbing in NYC some years ago--way before many of my friends. If you ask anyone who knows me, my “getting dressed up” attire consists of four key items:
o LBD (Little Black Dress)

o Killer HIGH Heels

o Statement Jewelry (Usually Pearls)

o Clutch

Sounds simple right? Wrong! No matter where I travel or what type of club I visit there is always one or two women who just totally get the LBD look wrong. Seriously ladies? Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up over the years that helped me below!

Common misconceptions of wearing the LBD:

• Black makes you look skinny-- NO it's just a bad myth; truth is we're not all Sessilee Lopez' so my quick fix tip is SPANX

• Every LBD is the same-- NO All dresses are made differently and not meant for every body shape

• Black on Black always looks GREAT-- NO sometimes there are different shades of black and in pictures or to a keen fashion eye it looks off. If all Black is a must keep it loose and if possible try breaking it up with jewelry (silver, gold, wood or pearls).

Fashion is about experimentation and research. See what's in style this season, try new things, try old things; mix high end and inexpensive... Most importantly be comfortable in what you’re wearing! A great outfit can make even the worst day a little bit better!

Check out a few of my favorite LBD ensembles!

Happy Dressings,

x0Xo Brooklyn Girl

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