Sunday, October 17, 2010


It's been about a year and a half since I walked across the stage at West Virginia University's Cultural Arts Centers and received my college diploma as the only African American student of the class and since then so many things have changed. I was never one for cliche's especially one's that pertained to friends, being that I had so many ups and downs with friends since I was young enough to know what a real friend was. Looking back on my life's turning point and the point where I began to fully understand who I am as a person I become more appreciative of the old antage "You meet your true friends in college"; yet again not taking anything away from the few friends that I have from elementary and high school whom I am still close with.
Thinking back, I left my mountaineer home with what seemed to be the best group of friends a college experience could have pumped out; three amazing best friends all of different upbringing, races and roles in my life... teammates who seem to this day to still be my everyday sisters, confidons and rocks and girls and guys who are more like sissie's and bro's. One year where are we all? All out living life doing our thing some moved on to be professionals, athletes, parents or continued studies. One thing I realized today was that no matter what, we all hone an experience that no matter the changes or directions our lives take can not be distorted.
I am forever thankful for the late night food runs to Sheetz, Working Womens Wednesday, 2am Food Fights that turn into winter spring cleaning and cop visits, snow fights and mattress rolls down the hills, random road trips, drunken stuppers or even 6am wieght lifting.

I can't wait to look back in 10 years and laugh at how amazing life has been to me! And even more appreciative of the people that I meet in that small West Virginia town who helped me grow into the person I am today and have a genuine acceptance of me for me....

Inspired by Tiffany Evans- Changes

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Drake's Letter to Aaliyah...

Yesterday August 25th, marked the nineth year anniversary of the passing of songstress Aaliyah and in my opinion the best commemoration came from rapper/singer Drake. Although he never meet her, like many of us she touched his life with that ever lasting impact that she so delicately had. Check below for the letter! (Well put Drake!! I'm never dissapointed with your sincerity and openness to be mushy)

xoxo Brooklyn Girl xoxo

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Top Ten Songs

Hey everyone in Blog world! I know I've been MIA for a while but I'm back to live action and ready to hit ya'll with a great post!

I'm a truely huge music fan; no matter what the genre or debut date. I see myself as a sort of afficianado but hey I'll settle with "Avid Music Lover" to be simple.
Lately I've been gathering music for my family's annual BBQ and in doing so I decided to share with everyone my Top 10 songs (in no particular order)!

Bonus: Keith Sweat- I Want Her (When I was growing up my whole family had me believing instead of him saying "I Want Her" he was saying "Ayana" and still to this day when this song comes oon the whole family sings "AYANA"! Amazing howmusic can bring a family together!

Bonus: Gil Scott-Heron- The Bottle (At the time I first heard this song I was too young to know exactly what it meant but I loved the song none the less. Great precussionist and a great voice singing what I now know is great lyrics! This is a song years after it's debut that it can still be relevant!)

Please always remember music can be a key to the soul and your favorite song speaks of you and to you! Happy listening everyone!!!!!

xoxo BrooklynGirl xoxo

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's always great to hear good news no matter who it's about and today's news was no exception... My usual perusing of websites, top city newspaper sites, etc. brought me across a story that touched my heart at it's core; being from an environment of similar expectations. It was recently announced that Chicago's first all-male, all-African American charter high school Urban Prep Academy for Young Men had reached it's ultimate goal of attaining a 100% college acceptance rate within it's first senior class. Located in Chicago's Englewood section an area known for it's paroxysm and poverty, the outlook on life and it's possibilities don't stretch as far as the next neighborhood in which the schools director knows first hand being a native of the neighborhood and determined to make change.
During the March 5th ceremony of changing the mandatory uniform red school uniform tie to a gold and red stripped one to represent college acceptance a gift was given to these hard-working and well-deserving young men. Making the surprise announcement was Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and city school Chancellor Ron Huberman, granting this special class a free prom! A reward often overshadowed by costly tickets would now be covered, allowing each young man to enjoy the festivities no matter socio-economic stature; all because of hard work!!!!!

Congratulations to the brave Young Men of Urban Prep Academy... you have each defied the first road block! Continue on with determination and faith, letting nothing deter you from success.

♥Love LIVE Life
Brooklyn Girl

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wilma Rudolph...BLACK HISTORY To Know

Sorry all for my absence these past few weeks.... But I can't let this Black History Month go by without sharing some African Americans whose lives have influenced my own.

Wilma Rudolph:
Many people know her story but yet and still many don't appreciate the perseverance, dedication and triumph that was her life. From humble beginnings in Tennessee a young Rudolph overcame several illnesses including whoping cough, mealses, chicken pox, scarlet fever and most notably polio. After being labeled disable as a result of the polio Rudolph went on to become a world class athlete in basketball as well as track and field. Making her Olympic debut at the age of 16 and returning at the age of 20 Rudolph became the first American female to capture 3 Olympic medals (100 & 200 meter dashes and 4x100 meter relay)
As a former Collegiate Track and Field athlete Wilma's strong will to overcome all obstacles gave me the motivation to also believe anything was possible.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blue Michael Cosmetics

All Natural, Vegan, Home-made, Biodegradable... GREEN!!!

All these adjectives describe what may be my one of my favorite products out right now: BLUE MICHAEL COSMETICS. Made right in NYC (Washington Heights to be exact!) this brainchild of renowned makeup artist Blue Michael is ready to take the make-up world by storm. His work has been seen on magazine covers, runways, and television screens all over; now his expertise of what skin really needs has transcended into his own make-up and skin care line.
Still in it's beginning stages, Blue Michael Cosmetics has in my opinion mastered every woman's favorite accessory... LIPGLOSS. My everyday touch of kissable red comes from my own tube of I.U. Kiss. that never leaves my purse. With five available shades (I.U. Kiss, Babygirl, Thea, Na Na & Brown Sugar) every woman is bound to find a tube she loves!

In addition to the amazing lipglosses, Blue Michael offers Body Scrubs, a "Green" T-Shirt and Make-up Services.

As an advocate of Blue's amazing talents I encourage everyone to check his work out! (He created a masterpiece on my face for my birthday, as well as life long tips on our many meeting during "Model City" shoots!)

If you LOVE the earth and LOVE your skin just as much...try BLUE MICHAEL Cosmetics... Once you go Blue you'll never go MAC!

xoxo Brooklyn Girl

Monday, February 1, 2010


It's February 1st and that means BLACK HISTORY MONTH. Even though I support the 365 Black History campaign, I still get excited to see the embracing of a culture that I call my own my by mainstream USA. This Black History Month I just wanted to share with everyone a few of my Heroes of Black History...

Josephine Baker-was my all time favorite person to research and no matter how much I know about her I love to learn more! She inspires me, with her courage and ambition to make it big no matter what the odds where!

For the rest of the month I will be sharing with you stories of fabulous Black women and their triumphant stories...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tragic ending to a Tough Battle

I have been following the story of a magnificent young lady named Jasmine Anema since last year when the story broke of her having a severe and rare type of Leukemia. Since then Celebrities, Politicians and normal people alike have come to the aid of this brave little girl, urging bone marrow donors to come forth. It saddens me to have learned via her twitter page @ONEFORJASMINA, that she has lost her courageous battle.
Please don't let this tragedy go without continued support! Jasmina was able to show the world that courage come in any package big or small and that faith and a smile makes any day brighter. Below are several links that you can go to for further learning on Jasmina and Leukemia...

One For Jasmina: Jasmina's Website

Daily News: Jasmina Anema, brave six-year-old who captured New Yorkers' hearts, loses battle with leukemia

DKMS: World's Largest Bone Marrow Donor Center

My prayers go out to Jasmina's Family, Friends and especially her best friend Isabelle bravely fought this disease with Jasmina.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

R.I.P. Teddy Pendegrass

It was recently announced that Soul singer Teddy Pendergrass has passed away following a difficult recovery following colon cancer surgery. Pendergrass rose to fame during the 1970's with hits such as "Love T.K.O.", "When Somebody Loves You Back" & "Close the Door".
Here are is the ABC news story which broke the story.
May he REST in Peace and forever live on through his music!

Prayers Go out to Haiti and it's Citizens

As you all may know Haiti was recently hit by a devastating earthquake causing additional chaos to a country already plagued by poverty and over-population. I am personally sending my prayers out to everyone effected by this disaster. We can all do our part to help the people of Haiti. Before we look to judge please remember that above all the people of Haiti are humans as are we; no matter what their social/economic standings may be! Below are several ways but they don't just stop there stand up people and support the Haitian Community:
* You can text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 (Charged to your phone bill.)

* For the Red Cross relief efforts and/or go to to donate to the International Response Fund.

* Go HERE to donate to UNICEF's Haiti relief fund

* Text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to the Haiti relief efforts (charged to your phone bill.)

* American Airlines is flying doctors and nurses to Haiti for FREE to HELP...Please call 212-697-9767...

Please Keep the Prayers Going! A little bit goes a long way!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Penthouse Lounge, Snuggies, Rooftop Bar & Great Freinds

Me and my girls made a stop at a trendy New York City hot spot... 230 Fifth. This ultra-chic yet laid back venue caters to NYC's diversity and finesse with an ultra unique policy from entrance to patronizing. Great DRINKS, MUSIC, DECOR, and a Rooftop view to die for (Snuggies included) 230 Fifth's experience is one like no other in New York. Uniquely this upscale venue allots an experience from beginning to end with the Completely FREE entrance, 4pm to 4am hours, open 365 days a year, tasty bar menu... and much more!
If a great time with your close friends is what you are looking for then 230 Fifth is the destination that needs to be on the must attend list!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rent the Runway

It was recently brought to my attention the newest trend in renting high priced items (Bag, Borrow or Steal) has extended to dresses! Introducing Rent the Runway... an affordable way to look great for that one time only event! With prices staring at only $50 and not exceeding $250 it's no wonder why the popularity has sky rocketed causing a wait list just to join! Even though you may have to wait a while it's definitely worth checking out! Check it out >>>

I think it's time for a PHOTOSHOOT!!!

Today I attended a Brooke's Touch photo shoot with an amazing model named Chavon who's ultra talented, ultra tiny & ultra preggo! She modeled some of Brooke's Touch signature tutu skirts and gave the world the first look at a dress designed by the madame of Brooke's Touch, Tiffany Chanel.... Here are a few pics of today's festivities... Finished pics coming soon!

Xo *LoveLiveLife* x0

Monday, January 4, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows that I am a true music lover and for me I find music of all genres intriguing and even more than just simply the music is the people who create it. I have been fortunate enough to be able to meet many artists, producers, etc. and it never seems to surprise me that they are more similar to their music than people may think.
Recently I meet GAVIN, a young Chicago native who is CRAZY talented; his new single "Stuck in my Head" gets constant play from me. Let me introduce you all to a new guy ready to take this industry head on... Listen HERE---->
You can also visit Gavin's website ---->

I hope you LOVE him!!!!

Luvsmesummusic!!!! *LoveLiveLife*

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year...

This past year has been one for the all time record books, so many ups & downs happy & sad; but none the less a learning experience. I've become a college graduate and worked and not worked. Taking from last year into the new year is my goal to keep motivated. Hope every1 keeps with their resolutions because I know I will (bbm smilee face)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to my World

Earlier today I was speaking with a good friend and she suggested that I start blogging about my life and the things I love... So here it is.... These are the CONFESSIONS OF A BROOKLYN GIRL... WELCOME TO MY WORLD!