Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's always great to hear good news no matter who it's about and today's news was no exception... My usual perusing of websites, top city newspaper sites, etc. brought me across a story that touched my heart at it's core; being from an environment of similar expectations. It was recently announced that Chicago's first all-male, all-African American charter high school Urban Prep Academy for Young Men had reached it's ultimate goal of attaining a 100% college acceptance rate within it's first senior class. Located in Chicago's Englewood section an area known for it's paroxysm and poverty, the outlook on life and it's possibilities don't stretch as far as the next neighborhood in which the schools director knows first hand being a native of the neighborhood and determined to make change.
During the March 5th ceremony of changing the mandatory uniform red school uniform tie to a gold and red stripped one to represent college acceptance a gift was given to these hard-working and well-deserving young men. Making the surprise announcement was Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and city school Chancellor Ron Huberman, granting this special class a free prom! A reward often overshadowed by costly tickets would now be covered, allowing each young man to enjoy the festivities no matter socio-economic stature; all because of hard work!!!!!

Congratulations to the brave Young Men of Urban Prep Academy... you have each defied the first road block! Continue on with determination and faith, letting nothing deter you from success.

♥Love LIVE Life
Brooklyn Girl

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