Thursday, September 22, 2016

Semester One

It's pretty hard to believe that I am almost finished with my very first semester of grad school and as I work on completing my final paper of the semester, I am intrigued to look back and realize how much as a communications professional we in every day life we take for granted some of the often overlooked aspects of communications.

From the skyscraper model to the understanding of digital convergence, my Introduction to Digital Communications course has left me yearning for more, eager to learn more and anticipating the endless possibilities of integrating these practices into my professional life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The New Age of Advertisement

So one of the assignments for my most recent class involved researching advertisements and I came across what may have been the most genius ad campaign that I have seen to date.

Coke Zero partnered with Spotify to create this amazing interactive campaign that allowed consumers to not only interact with various types of ads, but also benefit from it and obtain free product. I could probably go on-and-on about how great this ad campaign was but the video speaks for itself!

Check it out here:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Internet Governance

Image result for blocked websites

There are in many ways that internet governance can be good and bad. In my class readings the material delved into the world of government regulation and it made me think a bit further to two examples of internet governance.

First is the governing of the internet by communist countries, which brought me to think about the idea of the digital gap. The inability of individuals to view the openness of the world wide web and broad ideas shared on the internet, simply puts individuals in those countries with strict and government regulated internet access on the cusp of the digital gap. Although they are not as left out as those who do not have access at all, they are missing the many opportunities to explore all the web has to offer.

Secondly, which hit closer to home is the idea of fantasy sports being regulated state by state here in the United States. As s player of fantasy sports I find it frustrating that government would take away my opportunity to partake in online fantasy sports.

What do you think about internet governance?

The future of Digital Journalism

Image result for going digital meme

In an ever evolving digital world it seems only logical that journalism, which is defined on google search as "the work and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the "news of the day" and that informs society" would too become digital.

As society continues to rely more and more on the ease of digital mediums, my ultimate hope is that digital journalism, would no longer be looked at as less credible, but as a more reliable source. But, that is not without some necessary improvements including better vetting processes, or ways to better determine what is actual news, gossip, satire and fiction.