Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LBD101- To Get IT or Not

After having some insightful (yet funny) conversations with a few friends and family, I have come to understand that not everyone is meant to be Stylish, Trendy or Fashionable. For me, I developed a style that I creatively made work for me ever since I began clubbing in NYC some years ago--way before many of my friends. If you ask anyone who knows me, my “getting dressed up” attire consists of four key items:
o LBD (Little Black Dress)

o Killer HIGH Heels

o Statement Jewelry (Usually Pearls)

o Clutch

Sounds simple right? Wrong! No matter where I travel or what type of club I visit there is always one or two women who just totally get the LBD look wrong. Seriously ladies? Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up over the years that helped me below!

Common misconceptions of wearing the LBD:

• Black makes you look skinny-- NO it's just a bad myth; truth is we're not all Sessilee Lopez' so my quick fix tip is SPANX

• Every LBD is the same-- NO All dresses are made differently and not meant for every body shape

• Black on Black always looks GREAT-- NO sometimes there are different shades of black and in pictures or to a keen fashion eye it looks off. If all Black is a must keep it loose and if possible try breaking it up with jewelry (silver, gold, wood or pearls).

Fashion is about experimentation and research. See what's in style this season, try new things, try old things; mix high end and inexpensive... Most importantly be comfortable in what you’re wearing! A great outfit can make even the worst day a little bit better!

Check out a few of my favorite LBD ensembles!

Happy Dressings,

x0Xo Brooklyn Girl

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ice Cream Man

Growing up everyone loves the Ice Cream Man. The first sound of that classic jingle sparks off the thought of summer days and the greatest fun of the year. A feeling that seems to never fade as one grows older even if masked deep inside. No matter what you do that catchy jingle and the thought of the greatest childhood feeling—sitting on the curb or stoop accompanied by your best friends and the greatest ice cream cone extra sprinkles with no care in the world.

Funny to compare the two but the same is true for that one individual as you get older, that no matter how long they’ve been gone out of your life or how much you try to push the mere memory of them away they always seem to enable a warm sensitive feeling within that only they can erupt. Our own personal Ice Cream Man (Woman) to be quiet frank. A love that has passed and piece of you that will always remain with another-- every person has this whether it be a teacher or childhood crush to ones first love or first sexual partner or relationship with great memories; there’s an Ice Cream Man that just reminds you of sweet days past.

Everyone’s Ice Cream experience was different and the results of the relationship are just as much of a mystery for each of us. Who knows if we’ll ever grow out of this fascination becoming lactose intolerant or being able to continue to enjoy the sweet treats forever?

So Ice Cream Men… Good or Bad? You make the choice but be appreciative of them no matter what because at one point it was the sweetest moment even if just for a split second.
xoxo Brooklyn Girl