Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life Changes

It's been a little more than two years since I last wrote on this blog, and boy what a long and eventful two years that has been.

So much growth has taken place within me, mental and spiritually, allowing me to see the world in so many different ways.

I make no promises to myself to do this on a regular basis but honestly this seems like the best forum for me to express so many of the things that have begun to happen in my life!

Since it's been so long, it only seems fitting to re-introduce myself... I'm Yana, a 20 something Brooklyn Girl, with a burgeoning yet stagnant career in Sports & Entertainment PR and newly acquired publishing digital marketing career, making my way through this jungle we call life with daily prayers, late night wine drinking, occasional couch standing and tons of laughs (if you don't laugh at yourself who will?).