Sunday, October 17, 2010


It's been about a year and a half since I walked across the stage at West Virginia University's Cultural Arts Centers and received my college diploma as the only African American student of the class and since then so many things have changed. I was never one for cliche's especially one's that pertained to friends, being that I had so many ups and downs with friends since I was young enough to know what a real friend was. Looking back on my life's turning point and the point where I began to fully understand who I am as a person I become more appreciative of the old antage "You meet your true friends in college"; yet again not taking anything away from the few friends that I have from elementary and high school whom I am still close with.
Thinking back, I left my mountaineer home with what seemed to be the best group of friends a college experience could have pumped out; three amazing best friends all of different upbringing, races and roles in my life... teammates who seem to this day to still be my everyday sisters, confidons and rocks and girls and guys who are more like sissie's and bro's. One year where are we all? All out living life doing our thing some moved on to be professionals, athletes, parents or continued studies. One thing I realized today was that no matter what, we all hone an experience that no matter the changes or directions our lives take can not be distorted.
I am forever thankful for the late night food runs to Sheetz, Working Womens Wednesday, 2am Food Fights that turn into winter spring cleaning and cop visits, snow fights and mattress rolls down the hills, random road trips, drunken stuppers or even 6am wieght lifting.

I can't wait to look back in 10 years and laugh at how amazing life has been to me! And even more appreciative of the people that I meet in that small West Virginia town who helped me grow into the person I am today and have a genuine acceptance of me for me....

Inspired by Tiffany Evans- Changes